Monday, May 22, 2006

Hot Town, Summer in the City

There comes a time in every young Jewish man's life when he must decide how to spend his Bar Mitzvah loot. Some carelessly fritter it away over the years sponsoring West African orphans; others might blow it all in one crazy weekend at Mohegan Sun. Not me. Those Israeli bonds finally came due, and I'm using the money to pay for 8 weeks rent in the NYU dorm on 3rd Ave and 11th, NEW YORK CITY! In lieu of "working" at "Quizno's" this summer, I will be living in the Lower East Side as I attempt to "make it" as a "comedian." I'll be keeping this blog to document my adventures - the people I meet, the burritos I eat, the shows I see (they're mostly free), the sets I perform, my life in the dorm, and all that's shit to print. It's the stuff reality TV is made of.

Please note: The actual reason for creating this blog is so that 35 years from now I may look back on this summer and realize that my whole life has not been a complete and total waste. Here's to bright futures!


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